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The Greek soldiers, called hoplites, used the common 6 to 8 foot spear as the weapon of choice. Greek hoplites also used two throwing speaers (javelins) as backup.

The spear is basically a pole weapon, with a wooden length with a sharpened metal/steel point to the end of the head which is attached. The materials that have been used to make the head could consist of any of the following: flint, obsidian, iron, steel, or bronze. Although Greek spears were most likely fashioned out of bronze or iron.

The spear was essential to Greek stratagem. Using their bronze shields and spears, they created a formation called 'the phalanx'. The first few ranks of hoplites held their shields tightly together with ther spears poking threw the shields to form basically a huge bush of thorns moving slowly forward. The rest of the ranks marched with their spears held in rest position. The following ranks would then lower their spears to attack position as their comrades fell to the enemy.